Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Criminal law, unlike civil law, is focused upon punishing an individual as opposed to compensating a victim. Criminal Law includes laws defining offenses against the community at large, and regulating and establishing punishments for convicted offenders. These punishments range from probation, fines, jail time or some combination of the three. Crimes are generally broken down between felonies and misdemeanors.


Felonies are crimes under the jurisdiction of the Circuit Courts and are usually punishable by fine, penalty or confinement of more than a year.


Misdemeanors are crimes less serious than a Felony and are usually punishable by fine, penalty or confinement of one year or less.

Traffic Offenses

Traffic Offenses are the violations of rules intended to promote the orderly and safe flow of traffic. They can be misdemeanors or civil infractions.

Drunk Driving

Michigan Law makes it illegal under MCLA 257.625 to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. The first offense is a misdemeanor and subsequent offenses can become felonies.

License Restoration

Under certain circumstances an individual who has lost their privilege to drive can petition the Secretary of State, Drivers License Appeal Division Hearing offices and/or the Circuit Court requesting that their driving privileges be either partially or totally restored.
Call the experts in Criminal Law today. (734) 242-3434.
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